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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Expanding Surveillance Networks

This is a good article that talks about the expansion of surveillance networks that is sure to come in the near future.  The article brings up some good points; in particular about surveillance by law enforcement stating that the main difference between private surveillance and law enforcement surveillance is that LE has, "the power to investigate, prosecute and jail people." 
 Interesting to know that the debate continues as to whether cameras work as a deterrent to crime with the research not showing they are effective in this wayCameras have proven to be rather effective, as we saw with the Boston Marathon Bombing after  the fact.  
Red light and speed cameras have seen a widespread backlash.  Personally I am opposed to the use of cameras for V & T (vehicle/traffic)  enforcement.  First some of these cameras have proven to be less than accurate, also I feel they deny citizens the right to face their accuser (I know that the courts have ruled against my opinion on this, but I still feel that way).  Traffic enforcement's goal should be to make the roads safer, not to be a cash cow. 
Finally, my favorite part of the article was this paragraph describing cameras in England :
"Dozens are said to sit today around the house of George Orwell, the author of "1984," a story that foretold of a "Big Brother" society. Privacy advocates in the U.S. are concerned that the networks proposed by officials today could grow to realize Orwell's dystopic vision."

"Boston Bombing Video Highlights Police Efforts for Expanding Surveillance Networks" by    TAMI ABDOLLAH, Associated Press | Thursday, May 2, 2013

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