I just read "Dividend Stocks for Dummies" and took copious notes and have formulated an investment strategy. My strategy is to approach this as a hobby, use what I have learned, my Deductive Reasoning and Investigative skills to research these stocks before I invest in any of them. I'm looking at it as being fun and it will be. Don't you think it would be fun to own part of a company whose product you use (and get a return on your money), like owning stock in a fast food restaurant you frequent - how cool would that be. OK, maybe 'I've got my GEEK on', and I'm good with being thought a GEEK. I will give you some updates as I go along to let you know if I'm still having fun. I can say one thing for sure: if you are at all interested in Dividend Stocks and want to learn about it, I highly recommend "Dividend Stocks for Dummies" - I learned a great deal from this book.

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