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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Badge of Honor

I just read "Badge of Honor" by Walter L. Harris Jr..  Great book, I could not put it down and read it in one day.  Walter L. Harris Jr. was a Detroit Police officer for 9 1/2 years.  For 5 years he served on the Executive Protection Unit (EPU), first with Mayor Dennis Archer and then with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.  It was under the 'leadership' of Mayor Kilpatrick that Officer Harris's world was forever changed.  This is the story of a good man, a man of integrity, the kind of man you want serving on the police force.
I loved this book, it is well written and I love how Officer Harris sprinkled quotes throughout the book.  The quotes are well chosen and relate to what is  being written about at that time.  From the book's dedication to the appendix this book is all class.  The Forward is written by former Mayor Dennis Archer and the Introduction starts with this quote:  "For it is not easy to do the correct thing when the people around you are prospering from doing the wrong thing" - Walter L. Harris Jr..  Great quote Officer Harris, I think we have all seen this happen around us to some degree, and I think that is part of what helps to make this book so intriguing.  Part 1 lays the foundation telling us how Walter L. Harris Jr. became the man and Police Officer who would stand firm in his convictions and beliefs.  We get to see the wonderful people who helped to form this good man.  Part 2 brings us Mayor Kilpatrick and the downward spiral.  The final chapter , Chapter 17 is titled, " To Blow the Whistle or Not", and gives us all food for thought should we ever find ourselves in that position.  Officer Harris uses a quote he heard in some movie, "It's not what you know, but what you can prove."  Remember that, it is extremely important.  The book ends with an appendix titled, "Things You Should Consider Before Blowing the Whistle (Checklist).
I came to admire and respect Officer Walter L. Harris Jr., and am saddened that he had to leave a job he loved and also his home.  I don't know where Officer Harris is now or what he is doing (Supersonic Safety Research may have to track him down for me) because I would love to shake this man's hand.  Bless you Officer Harris and your family wherever you are.
This is a link to a radio interview with Officer Walter L. Harris Jr.:

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