The video below is good and brings up an interesting new consideration, surveillance in public places that also includes audio. This certainly got me thinking. I don't object to the video in public places, as I don't have the 'expectation' of privacy on a bus, subway, the street. Ah, but now when audio enters the equation I'm not so sure. If I'm talking to someone, even in public I have an 'expectation' of privacy. Am I wrong about this? Do you agree or disagree, and WHY?
If you love mysteries, detective shows or are interested in private investigation, then this is the blog for you.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Privacy and Video Surveillance
Yesterday I talked about video surveillance, and today I'm going to briefly talk about privacy. Do you object to surveillance video in public places? Does it matter who is doing the surveillance, i.e. public or private entity? Do we need to know what will be done with the video and how long it will be kept before we decide?
The video below is good and brings up an interesting new consideration, surveillance in public places that also includes audio. This certainly got me thinking. I don't object to the video in public places, as I don't have the 'expectation' of privacy on a bus, subway, the street. Ah, but now when audio enters the equation I'm not so sure. If I'm talking to someone, even in public I have an 'expectation' of privacy. Am I wrong about this? Do you agree or disagree, and WHY?
The video below is good and brings up an interesting new consideration, surveillance in public places that also includes audio. This certainly got me thinking. I don't object to the video in public places, as I don't have the 'expectation' of privacy on a bus, subway, the street. Ah, but now when audio enters the equation I'm not so sure. If I'm talking to someone, even in public I have an 'expectation' of privacy. Am I wrong about this? Do you agree or disagree, and WHY?
Monday, April 29, 2013
Surveillance Video
Yesterday I posted about a Michigan woman that was abducted from her job. Unfortunately, there were no surveillance cameras at her job. We have seen on numerous occasions; most recently with the Boston Marathon Bombing how helpful these surveillance videos can be in solving cases and identifying suspects.
Sadly, this woman is still missing, and again we urge anyone with information to contact the police or FBI.
Tomorrow we will talk a little bit about privacy concerns.
What is your opinion of the use of surveillance cameras?
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Woman Abducted in Michigan
Anyone with information about the abduction of this woman, please contact the Police or FBI.

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Disney's The Hardy Boys
A little fun on a Saturday night. How many of you are old enough to remember The Hardy Boys on The Mickey Mouse Club? Here is a little reminder:
Oh, and where might those gold doubloons be????? Perhaps in the ocean?????
Friday, April 26, 2013
Assessing Inspire Magazine's 10th Edition
I posted a roll call video on Supersonic Safety Research's Facebook business page today. They talk about the Boston Marathon Bombing and remind us about AWARENESS, VIGILANCE and staying EDUCATED. They also talk about an Al-Qaeda magazine Inspire. I had never heard of it and did some research - more than interesting and very scary. This first link is an analysis of the magazine. Next up are a couple of videos to help inform you about what is going on in the world of terrorism.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fraud Avengers
I love it when I find great resources Fraud Avengers offers lots of good information. Go to their blog and sign up for their newsletter, Like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Supersonic Safety Research says: "Stay informed."
Follow the links for to get informed:
Supersonic Safety Research says: "Stay informed."
Follow the links for to get informed:
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
ASIS Seminar
Supersonic Safety Research's PIs attended an ASIS Seminar in Troy, MI today. An FBI Intelligence Agent and Expert Security Consultant provide lectures, they were great. I'm back in a learning mode and trying to decide should I go for the ASIS certifications or pursue my masters degree? Decisions, decisions.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Tai Chi
Had my first Tai Chi class tonight - LOVED IT! I hope to get good at it, but lots to learn and get right. I like my instructor, too she is really good. Though I did keep thinking of Mr Miyagi in The Karate Kid during class and "sand the floor". I need that training for the 'muscle memory'.
"Not everything is as seem."
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I'm Asking WHY?
Those of you who have been following this blog from the beginning are aware of the 5-Ws (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and sometimes WHY). You also know that I am often intrigued by the WHY. Well, I am asking WHY again.
In the past year we have had the Aurora, Co shooting, the Newtown,CT shooting, the Steubenville, OH high school rape case, the CA high school rape and subsequent suicide and the high murder rate in Chicago, IL at the hands of gangs. Now we have the Boston Marathon bombing. What do all these have in common? Perpetrators that are young males. My question is why are these young males perpetrating these heinous acts? What is happening that these violent acts are occurring with such frequency? HOW do we fix the problem? If we can find the WHY, then we can start working on the HOW.
In the past year we have had the Aurora, Co shooting, the Newtown,CT shooting, the Steubenville, OH high school rape case, the CA high school rape and subsequent suicide and the high murder rate in Chicago, IL at the hands of gangs. Now we have the Boston Marathon bombing. What do all these have in common? Perpetrators that are young males. My question is why are these young males perpetrating these heinous acts? What is happening that these violent acts are occurring with such frequency? HOW do we fix the problem? If we can find the WHY, then we can start working on the HOW.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
The Video I Want to See Now
These guys put down these backpacks and walked away - didn't anyone see this? That is the video I want to see now. I want to see how they were able to leave the backpacks on a crowded street and just walk away
We're back to "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING." That is the new reality of the world we live in.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Police Officer Sean Collier
Over the next few days and probably weeks we will hear a great deal about the two terrorists from the Boston Marathon Bombing. At this time I would like to take the time to remember a hero. I started my law enforcement career with the University Police and I know the important work they do. I also know how they often do not get the recognition and respect they deserve.
Today please take the time to know and remember Police Officer Sean Collier.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
"Using Facebook Graph Search"
Kudos to Supersonic Safety Research's colleague and friend, Long Island Private Investigator for being mentioned in an article ("Using Facebook Graph Search" by Katie Elizabeth) in Pursuit Magazine. Pursuit Magazine is the magazine for professional investigators. Read the article at this link:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Mind Hunter
I was at John King Books in Detroit and picked up "Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit" by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker.. Can't wait to get started reading this, I will probably do some blog posts as I go along.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
If You Saw Something, Say Something
The FBI has set-up 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324), prompt #3, for anyone who has information, visual images, and/or details regarding the explosions along the Boston Marathon route and elsewhere. No piece of information or detail is too small.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Bo Dietl + Arby's
"Get Outta Here!" I'm watching TV and there is Bo Dietl pitching Arby's Reuben; I love it. Bo Dietl, retired NYPD detective, founder/CEO of Bo Dietl & Associates and Arby's pitchman. Perfect cops and private investigators eat a lot of fast food. Maybe PI Sam will get to do a commercial one day. Loved the commercial - so 'New Yawk' - "Get Outta Here!"
BONUS- Bo Dietl & Associates link:
BONUS- Bo Dietl & Associates link:
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Potential Dangers of Photo Copiers
Wow, this is incredible and scary. BE AWARE of the risks of IDENTITY THEFT - Supersonic Safety Research will do what we can to inform and educate.
Thank you CBS Nightly News for this valuable info -"Never Trust a Photo Copier"
Thank you CBS Nightly News for this valuable info -"Never Trust a Photo Copier"
Friday, April 12, 2013
Battle of the TV PIs Continues
The Supersonic Safety Research debate continues. I admit that I watched part 1 and part 2 of Magnum PI, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Tom Selleck, Hawaiian scenery, and intrigue mixed with humor - what is not to like? However; I still like Remington Steele better and today I bring you season 1 episode, 1 of Remington Steele to help you decide. Enjoy.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Battle of the TV PIs
Supersonic Safety Research is having an internal debate, so I posted on Facebook asking people who their favorite TV PI was - Magnum PI or Remington Steele? I got virtually NO response. It suddenly dawned on me that these shows are from the 80's and people may not have ever seen them. So, I think it is my duty to educate the masses and bring them the opportunity to screen these shows and then let us know what their opinion is.
Thank you IDMb and Hulu for full episodes, with limited commercials and the video quality is great. First up, season 1 episode 1 of Magnum PI. If you look to the right you can select any episode from season1. Enjoy!
Thank you IDMb and Hulu for full episodes, with limited commercials and the video quality is great. First up, season 1 episode 1 of Magnum PI. If you look to the right you can select any episode from season1. Enjoy!
Genovese Syndrome
On March 13,1964 Catherine "Kitty" Genovese was brutally murdered in Queens, NY. On March 27, 1964 the NY Times published the following article:
"37 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police" Apathy at Stabbing of Queens Woman Shocks Inspector By Martin Gansberg
Without this article the Kitty Genovese murder would have been known about by only a few. After this article was published it captivated the nation and had people asking, 'how could this happen?'
As with most things, as time passes original purported facts are disputed and in this case the dispute is over who saw/heard what, how many saw/heard and what actions were taken by them. Indisputable is what arose from this incident.
The 911 calling system did not exist in 1964, at that time you had to directly call the precinct. Media attention focusing on people's reluctance to call the police resulted in the NYPD reforming their call in procedure. Also, Neighborhood Watch was developed in response to this horrific murder. Research was done in regards to the Bystander Effect or 'Genovese Syndrome' and also into Diffusion Responsibility
Bystander Effect = as the number of bystanders increases, the likelihood that one of these bystanders will help decreases
Diffusion Responsibility = phenomenon in which a person is less likely to take responsibility for action or inaction when others are present.
You can read more about the Kitty Genovese murder at these links:
"37 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police" Apathy at Stabbing of Queens Woman Shocks Inspector By Martin Gansberg
Without this article the Kitty Genovese murder would have been known about by only a few. After this article was published it captivated the nation and had people asking, 'how could this happen?'
As with most things, as time passes original purported facts are disputed and in this case the dispute is over who saw/heard what, how many saw/heard and what actions were taken by them. Indisputable is what arose from this incident.
The 911 calling system did not exist in 1964, at that time you had to directly call the precinct. Media attention focusing on people's reluctance to call the police resulted in the NYPD reforming their call in procedure. Also, Neighborhood Watch was developed in response to this horrific murder. Research was done in regards to the Bystander Effect or 'Genovese Syndrome' and also into Diffusion Responsibility
Bystander Effect = as the number of bystanders increases, the likelihood that one of these bystanders will help decreases
Diffusion Responsibility = phenomenon in which a person is less likely to take responsibility for action or inaction when others are present.
You can read more about the Kitty Genovese murder at these links:
Scroll down to External Links for more info.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Injured Driver is Robbed After Crash
I hesitate to post negative things about Detroit, especially as the city struggles to make a comeback. I am personally tired of the city constantly being the butt of jokes and negativity. However; this is too disturbing to ignore, and to be fair I think there are lots of places in this country where similar things can and do happen.
Here is the video from Fox 2 Detroit:
"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." - Confucius
Spoiler Alert - More on this topic tomorrow. We will talk about "The Genovese Syndrome".
Here is the video from Fox 2 Detroit:
"When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self." - Confucius
Spoiler Alert - More on this topic tomorrow. We will talk about "The Genovese Syndrome".
Monday, April 8, 2013
Magnum PI
Yes, I do know Magnum PI. Tom Selleck, Hawaii, crime drama...what's not to like? I have to admit though, that my Favorite TV PI show was Remington Steele. Loved the premise: a female PI opens a business only to find she can't get any business, so she creates a fictitious male boss - Remington Steele. Here is the opening of Magnum PI, enjoy:
PI Sam and PI Kim can't agree on their favorite PI TV show, and here is a YouTube video that just happens to ask you to vote for Magnum PI or Remington Steele, what is your fave?
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Milton Arbogast????????????
I probably should have known who Milton Arbogast is, but I didn't. I saw the movie "Psycho", but only once - just not my type of movie. I didn't remember the PI, I really only remember the shower scene and that eerie house. I found a clip on YouTube and now I kind of remember him. I could watch the movie again, but I think I'll pass on that. Enjoy the clip it shows Milton Arbogast questioning Norman Bates.
BONUS - The Shower Scene from "Psycho":
Saturday, April 6, 2013
William Dear (Detective) ????????
Again I had to turn to Google to find out who PI Sam's favorite real PI is. What can I say, I'm more Law Enforcement than Private Investigator. Anyway, Wikipedia provided me with the answers I was looking for:
"William C. Dear (born August, 1937) is a Dallas-based private investigator. He owns the firm William C. Dear & Associates. His notable cases include the original steam tunnel incident involving James Dallas Egbert III, the murder of millionaire businessman Dean Milo in 1980, the exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald in 1981 and the Glen Courson murder case in 1986. In 1995, he participated as an investigator on Alien Autopsy, a Fox Television program about an autopsy supposedly carried out on an extraterrestrial being. Mr. Dear was featured in the BBC Documentary OJ: The Untold Story in 2000. He continues to speak to large groups about crime solving techniques."
The above is from Wikipedia - Thank You. Here is the direct link:
"William C. Dear (born August, 1937) is a Dallas-based private investigator. He owns the firm William C. Dear & Associates. His notable cases include the original steam tunnel incident involving James Dallas Egbert III, the murder of millionaire businessman Dean Milo in 1980, the exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald in 1981 and the Glen Courson murder case in 1986. In 1995, he participated as an investigator on Alien Autopsy, a Fox Television program about an autopsy supposedly carried out on an extraterrestrial being. Mr. Dear was featured in the BBC Documentary OJ: The Untold Story in 2000. He continues to speak to large groups about crime solving techniques."
The above is from Wikipedia - Thank You. Here is the direct link:
To find out more about PI William Dear you can check out his web site:
I am intrigued by his books about OJ Simpson, curious to see his theories. Maybe OJ should have hired him to find the 'real killer'. :^)
Friday, April 5, 2013
Kinsey Mahone????????????
Who? Kinsey Mahone? What? Had to Google this one. I find out this is a character in a series books by Sue Grafton. Of course she is a Private Investigator, the first book is "A" is for Alibi through to "V" is for Vengeance. The books look interesting, I think I'll have to read them - thanks PI Sam for helping me to discover these books. Sue Grafton has a really nice web site check it out:
She is also on Facebook - think we'll friend her, maybe she'll become a fan of PI Sam and Supersonic Safety Research : ^ )
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Answers Give Me Questions
I have to admit, PI Sam's answers have left me with questions as I ignorant of some of his answers. Yes, I do know Magnum PI - Tom Selleck
But I have had to do some sleuthing on some of the other answers, how about you?
I started with "Gateway" by Pohl, never heard of either. "Gateway" is a science fiction novel, first in a series. Frederik George Pohl, Jr is an American science fiction author and is 93 years old, his writings are extensive.

I started with "Gateway" by Pohl, never heard of either. "Gateway" is a science fiction novel, first in a series. Frederik George Pohl, Jr is an American science fiction author and is 93 years old, his writings are extensive.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
We Asked and PI Sam Answered - Part 2
This is PI Kim and I work for SUPERSONIC SAFETY RESEARCH, I am an administrator and author of this blog for PI Sam. It was fun for me to see the answers from PI Sam, hope you enjoyed them also. Tomorrow we'll talk about his answers a little bit. Meanwhile here is Part 2:
(5) Favorite PI Show-
Magnum P.I.
(6) When/Why did you decide to do PI Work:
To help People plus it's interesting-Never boring
(7) How did I start your own business-
Father Solo Attorney and followed example- control all aspects of biz
(8) Best about PI work/Worse about PI work-
BEST: Helpful people that provide a key to the case/ Surprising
sources of information & you are just flabbergasted at it.... WORSE: People who have information that
could help but refuse to help & Authority figures who treat you poorly (and purposely don't help you) which include Government Entities and Police agencies- We are all on the same side and it's sad not to get help
sources of information & you are just flabbergasted at it.... WORSE: People who have information that
could help but refuse to help & Authority figures who treat you poorly (and purposely don't help you) which include Government Entities and Police agencies- We are all on the same side and it's sad not to get help
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
We Asked and PI Sam Answered - Part 1
Here is your chance to get to know PI Sam, owner of SUPERSONIC SAFETY RESEARCH a little better. We asked him 8 questions and today we share the first 4 with you.
(1) Favorite
"The first step when you have a problem is to know you have it...
second step is to make a decision: Do you want to keep the problem, or do you want
to do something about it?" ("Gateway" by Pohl)
second step is to make a decision: Do you want to keep the problem, or do you want
to do something about it?" ("Gateway" by Pohl)
(2) Favorite Fictional PI-
Kinsey Mahone
(3) Favorite Real PI-
William Dear
(4) Favorite PI Movie-
Psycho ( P.I.
Milton Arbogast)
Monday, April 1, 2013
Cyber Thieves and Tax Returns
As if filing your taxes wasn't enough to give you agida, now you have to worry about cyber thieves. They steal your identity, they file bogus tax returns and then they pocket a tax refund. There are things you can do to reduce the risk:
Supersonic Safety Research reminds you to - BE ALERT and BE AWARE.
1)-Do NOT click on unusual sites or give away personal information
2)- Locking mailbox es
3)-Complex Passwords
4)-Shred documents with personal information
5)-Instituting a credit freeze
Supersonic Safety Research reminds you to - BE ALERT and BE AWARE.
Read the article "Cyber Thieves Nab Billions in Tax Returns" by Jennifer Booton here:
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