It is time again for 'Say It Again PI Sam.' today's repeat post is "Mnemonics", one of my favorite learning tools. When I took piano lessons my piano teacher used Mnemonics to help me learn to read music. The notes corresponding to the lines of the treble clef : Every Good Boy Does Fine and for the spaces FACE. Mnemonics are a great way to remember and consequently learn. Here is the original post:
A few days ago I talked about the KISS METHOD for instructing and learning. Today I'm going to talk about remembering what we learn using MNEMONICS. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines MNEMONIC as: assisting or intended to assist memory. An example would be HOMES to remember the names of the Great Lakes - Huron - Ontario - Michigan - Erie - Superior.
What mnemonics do you use?
I use Mnemonics when I'm writing reports I always go through my 5 W's -WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and sometimes WHY.